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Solar PV Panels

Cut your electricity bills and generate a tax free income with solar PV

A solar PV system consists of a number of panels (an array), which are normally fitted to the roof of your home. Each solar panel is made up of photovoltaic cells. These are usually made of wafer-thin layers of silicon or a thin film of chemical compounds. When daylight hits these it creates an electric field. The brighter the daylight, the more electricity is produced. This direct-current (DC) electricity then flows to an inverter, which converts it into alternating-current (AC) electricity for you to use in your home.

With a solar PV system installed, it will automatically feed power as it generated to your appliances. A lot of the electricty you use during the day will is self generated, and you don't pay a power company for it. During the night time, when your PV system is not generating energy, electricty is drawn form the grid. You won't notice any disruption or change – just smaller electricity bills.

To make the most of the electricity your solar PV system produces, it's best to use appliances like dishwashers and washing machines during the day. The system can't store electricity, so if you produce more than you use during the day, any excess will be fed into the national grid for others to use.

Solar PV is a great investment for the future. Not only will it help you save on energy bills and protect you against rising fuel prices, it will also generate a tax-free, index linked income through the government's feed-in tariff payments.

To learn more about solar PV read through the pages on this website, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions about how solar PV could work for you.

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